October 22, 2024

You and your spouse are at the point where you have made several unsuccessful attempts to repair the marriage.  At this point in time, your spouse has moved out and you are seeing your children every other weekend.  At this point in time, you are prepared to accept the inevitable…it is time to move forward with a divorce.  You have discussed the matter with your spouse, and have made arrangements to meet with a divorce attorney next week.


When this scenario happens to you, make sure that you know up front which court house and https://shakuryukou.com/  http://urzadzajzpasja.pl/the divorce will be filed in.  If you know which court house the divorce will be filed in, then you will be able to hire a local divorce attorney who practices in that court house on a regular basis.  Hiring a local divorce attorney will have two obvious benefits: number one, you are hiring an attorney who is thoroughly familiar with the procedures of that particular court house; and number two, because the attorney’s office is local, you will not have to pay for his driving time.

All that being said, which court house is the correct choice for your divorce?  In order to make that determination, you need to answer the following three questions:  number one, which state and county do your children live in; number two, which state and county does your spouse live; and number three, which state and county do you live in.

Let’s analyze your children’s living arrangement first.  In the typical divorce scenario where you and your spouse have been separated for several weeks or maybe even months, your spouse has moved out and either a) taken the children or b) left the children with you.  If your situation is b) then the children are still living with you and the correct court house for the children will be the court house located in the county where you live.  If your situation is a) then your spouse has moved out and taken the children.  In situation a) the correct court house for the children will be the court house located in the county where your spouse lives.